Last Sunday I watched a nice story in one of Television programs. It’s the story about a young man from Gresik, East Java named Muhammad Amanatullah, people called him Aam. He was born without hands and has only one complete leg. For his daily activity, he uses a tricycle made by his father. At first he went to a special school, but his teacher argued that Aam only has physical disability, not a mental disability, so he should go to public school like a normal kid. Thanks to his teacher, finally he went to public school after spent 5 years in special school.
Aam is really special, despite having physical disability, he has an incredible talent which no one or normal person has. He has been able to paint using his toes. He even once won a painting competition among the students in provincial level, while his competitors were mostly normal people. He recently received a scholarship from PT. Semen Gresik, and he also joined a painting studio to improve his painting skills.
This story could be a great inspiration and motivation for people who have physical disability like him. The disability is not a barrier to reach their dreams, goals, and hopes for their better future. The disability is not a barrier to socialize and compete with normal people as well.
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A life story of an amazing person sometimes could change or influence someone else’ life. If I ask you “Who is your inspiring people?” your answers might be different with others, but no matter who they are, they should be people who could motivates and makes you a better person. For me, the most inspiring story is the story of African woman named Tereria Trent. Her courage and persistence to make her dreams came true, really inspiring many people, including me. U can read her complete story in my previous post here.
Inspiring people not only inspire us through their life story, but they also can inspire us through their works, appearance, speech, attitudes or even their perspective. They can change other perspective by following the way they think. Here we can feel how a person’s energy influences many people around.
It’s not only someone who can inspires, on the bloggers world there are also blogs considered as inspiring blog to its owners to keep on writing. As an award, blog owners will give an award called “Award for My Inspirational Blog” to blogs inspired them. Luckily, my blog including the blogs received the award.
The nice blogger who gave the award was Mas Insan Robbani through his blog “Media Robbani”. It’s a very good blog and useful for the readers. His writings really enriched our knowledge especially for Moslems perfectly. I really adore him and I was lucky to get to know him and read all his posts.
I also got similar awards from my fellows and my sister blogger from Aceh, Mbak Alaika with her blog “My Virtual Corner”. The award was “You are an Inspiration Award”. This senior blogger is a real storyteller, all her posts are nice, when she tells a story, it feels like as if we are involved inside.
I would like to say thank you to Mas Insan and Mbak Alaika, and I really do appreciate these awards. I hope these awards could motivate me to keep writing and sharing useful information to many people, so I would like to give these awards to my blogger fellows who keeps inspiring and supporting me. Here they are:
- Mbak Cova with her blog “Runaway Diary”
- Mbak Mayya with her blog “Morning Raindrops”
- Hana dengan with her blog “Rinai Hujan”
- Erikson with his blog “BSE”
- Tanaya with her blog “ Let’s Tell Tales”
- Meutia Rahmah
- Wury with her blog “Spoony”
- Mas Irham with his blog “Irham’s blog”
- Immanuel with his blog "Immanuel's NOTES"
I also would like to say special thank you for Tanaya with her blog “Let’s Tell Tales ”. Thank you for raised my courage back, we should never be afraid to try something new :)
The Inspiration Award with great inspiration and motivation article...deeply touching and make me see myself. Do I make inspire for other? DO I present for better by the on. Thx for sharing...
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot, when I came to your site, there is always an input for me
ReplyDeleteNice blog and useful for many people, and I hope this site is always visited by many people
M. Amanatullah, sosok yang sangat pantas dijadikan cerminan bagi orang-orang yang selalu merasa kurang bersyukur atas segala yang mereka punya.
ReplyDeleteAam salah satu bukti keagungan Allah, seseorang yang maaf, cacat fisik, tapi mampu dan percaya untuk meraih impiannya. Apalagi kemampuan berpikirnya juga menyaingi orang normal. Biasanya orang yang seperti Aam, justru mempunyai semangat hidup yang menggebu. Sungguh inspiratif. Terima kasih mas Seagate atas cerita yang sangat menginspirasi ini.
Terima kasih mas Seagate. Jujur, saya tidak tahu bagian mana dan dari segi apa Mas Seagate menyelipkan nama saya di antara para blogger yang menginspirasi Mas Seagate. Tapi kalau men-support, saya setuju.:)
Alhamdulillah, terima kasih.
Keep blogging, Mas :)
wah englishan... aku ngagap english >.<
ReplyDeletewaah makasih banyak awardnya mas....
ReplyDeleteinsyaallah nanti diposting di blog saya.. ^^
#semakin termotivasi dengan sosok Aam, jadi inget diri saya sendiri, hehe...
orang-orang seperti kami meski dianugrahi kekurangan tapi juga disertai semangat yang lebih besar :)
Lukisan Aam bagus yak? Aku aja yang punya dua tangan lengkap gini, belum tentu bisa begitu.
ReplyDeleteMdh2an kehidupannya semakin berkah.amin.
Makasih banyak-banyak ya mas, atas kadonya...
Aku tersanjung sekali ^^
Mdh2an posting2 berikutnya semakin dan semakin ditunggu-tunggu ^^
lots of inspiring things in the world if we want to look around,
ReplyDeletekeep writing, Bro..
ur blog is one of inspiring blogger for me too..
well, thank you so much Mas Seagate! by having this award, unconsciously i owe you more than thanks, because it boosts my spirit to keep on moving forward! :)
ReplyDeleteIt feels like still yesterday when we discussed about many rudimentary things in blogging, but you see yourself now, you look much more professional, frankly speaking! Keep on writing, i just can't wait to see another masterpieces of yours! :D
Kok anggo bahasa inggris to mas. aku ra mudeng i. :D
ReplyDeleteAam aku juga nonton loh. Ternyata bukan aku saja yang termotifasi sama sosok Aam.
kalo ngak salah di trans TV apa Trans7 ya?
Runaway Diary.. inspiration blog?? wah ini pasti gara2 aku ngefans ma kang bejo nih.. hahaha..
ReplyDeleteaku bnr2 terharu 'n tersanjung bangeeet.. walaupun msh agak bingung jg, menginspirasi dr sisi mana ya? Tp senang jg ya klo postingan kt bs berguna utk org lain.. Semoga blogku jg begitu, bs bermanfaat..
tengkyuuu.. ^_^
Keterbatasan fisik bukan pembatas untuk mengenal dunia. Inspiring me :)
ReplyDeleteInspiring blog versi aku siapa yah? Enigma, if you know hehe. Salam kenal mas :)
rada2 nggk mudeng aku bacanya
tapi nais lha~
pke bing adi nggk paham aku --"
ReplyDelete@Mbak Ririe : Thanks Mbak, absolutely yes, you can inspire others, just give your best for everything :)
ReplyDelete@Mas insan Robbani : Thank you mas, Aminn.. i wish they can take something after visit my blog :)
ReplyDelete@wury : kamu pantas kok dapat award dari saya, semoga berkenan untuk menerimanya :)
ReplyDelete@Hana : Siip ditunggu :)
ReplyDelete@Mbak Mayya : Sama-sama mbak, bisa di pajang di blognya, ditunggu postingan selanjutnya :D
ReplyDelete@Anis : hehe thank you, your blog is also awesome
ReplyDelete@Erikson : Thank you, but u are still the best, i should call u "master" haha
ReplyDelete@Yan : Iya di Trans TV nama programnya "Anak Negeri "
ReplyDelete@Mbak Cova : Hahaha sebenarnya tadi itu pesenan Kang Bejo buat sampeyan mbak, fans setia =))
ReplyDelete@Funy : wah enigma tuh sapa?ndak kenal aku, kenalin dong hehe
ReplyDeleteMas wis ra dadi mandor meneh ki aku, wkwkwkwk =))
ReplyDeleteSelamat yaaa mas...
Blogmu pancen inspiratif lho. *satus ewuuu*
Kunjungan pagi, Mas :)
ReplyDeleteSambil garuk2 kepala, saya mencoba mencari2 jawaban atas rasa penasaran saya, "Bagaimana bisa saya dapet award kehormatan itu ya? Inspiratif dr sisi mana ya?" Meski ga terjawab, yg pntg aq hrs tetap mengucap Alhamdulillah. makasih byk ya Mas
ReplyDeletenice award...
ReplyDeletenice to intriduce with u :D
and .. i will be happy if i can get that award :D
hahaha.. ngimpi :p
happy blogging yaa mas :D
salam kenal dari Noorma di
Sori sob, cuma ngandalin google translate hehehe..
ReplyDeleteSelamat atas awardnya sob :)
Kunjungan siang mas
ReplyDeletememang orang- orang seperti itu yang malah menjadi inspirasi karena mereka adalah orang- orang yang telah berhasil menaklukan dunia dengan kekurangan yang dimiliknya
wah bagi- bagi award
selamat ya mas
selamat juga untuk penerima yang lainnya
selamat buat yg dapat award....
ReplyDeletesumpe g ngerti arti bhasanya ^^
tp ada gmbar Aam... dia kerenn
sbhanallah... pengen nangis aku...
ReplyDeleteternyata selama ini aku bodo banget ya... gampang bgt menyerah... :(
belajar semangat dari gambar mas yang ada di poto itu...
semangat semangat
Wow, wow, wow... I am truly honored! Thank you so much for this award - and also the special note at the end. Such a boost to my confidence and will power. I cannot express my gratitude in words.
ReplyDeleteMost importantly, I would like to compliment you on your English post. It's good!! ;) I don't know what all the not being confident was all about. Nice topic too. It's truly a breath of fresh air to know another inspiring story, to encourage us to look around us and find strength from the "powerful" people around us.
Congratulations, also, on your awards. You deserve it. Keep writing great stuff!
@Una : Hehehe mandor apa sih? gitu tu muji kalo ada maunya...ntar aku kasih limang atus ewu deh =))
ReplyDelete@wury : Makasih udah mampir disini lagi :)
ReplyDelete@Mas Irham : Saya terinspirasi dari cara mas membawakan pesan melalui sebuah cerita yang menjadi keseharian kita..pokoknya layak deh mas jadi inspirasi saya :)
ReplyDelete@Noorma : salam kenal juga, udah mampir juga di blogmu..keep writing also for you :)
ReplyDelete@Anak rantau : Thanks sob udah mampir :)
ReplyDelete@Rizki : yup betul sekali..thanks ya udah mampir
ReplyDelete@Jiah : dari liat gambarnya aja udah tau maksudnya kan? :D
ReplyDelete@Adeuny : Semangat ga boleh gampang menyerah, AAm aja bisa..tentu kita juga bisa seperti dia :)
ReplyDelete@Tanaya : Hahaha thank wasn't easy to convince me, maybe it will be the first and the last english post i english for was so hard hehe
ReplyDeleteThank deserve to got this award as well..Keep on writing :)
mas, awardnya udah kupasang lho... liat di pages/laman award bin yang ada di blogku. hehehhe
ReplyDeletemakasih yah,
terharu jadinya... :')
Lapor Mas, awardnya sudah terpajang di etalase saya di h Makasih banyak ya, Mas.
ReplyDeletesungguh menginspirasi sosok ini :)
ReplyDeletesemoga pribadi kita juga bisa menginspirasi orang lain ;) amiin
mas aku pasang linknya yahh ^^
Tepuk tangan buat yang dapat Award.... #plok plok plok plok#
ReplyDeleteInspiratif sekali... aam.. lukisannya ada yang pke diskon gak ya? haaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa habisnya keren banget sih.
woww... Nice info. If we look around us in detail, maybe so many people can be our inspiration to step our way... about Tereria Trent, I never heard about her before. Hope after this I will read your post about her. :D
ReplyDeleteNice appreciation for inspiring people...:)
Sometimes I feel ashamed of myself when I see an inspiring person like this. And only a loser who makes an excuse, right?
ReplyDeletesubhanallah...wa syukran laka 'ala haza :),
ReplyDeleteMaas,maaf bangettt awardnya belum diposting,lagi ikut buat lomba2 dulu soalnya deadlinenya mepet..tapi pasti diposting ko..skali lagi makasih awardnya^^